sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Coisas que gostaríamos de falar ...

Um belo dia, na verdade era uma madrugada de congelar os ossos, voltando de Sampa, fui comprar um pão de queijo e um chocolate estupidamente quente na rodoviária...

Estava lá, tranquila, esperando minha vez quando a caixa vira para a moça que estava na minha frente e pergunta:

"Não tenho os R$0,10 de troco ... pode ser em bala?"

A menina ficou parada sem acreditar no que ouvia e, depois da caixa repetir mega sem graça a pergunta, foi obrigada a aceitar!

Eu não sei vocês ... mas eu me segurei para não cantar atrás dela ...

Bala de troco ... que coisa tristeeeeeeeee

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

Nothing else matters ...

Já havia comentado por aqui que eu iria ao Rock in Rio.

E ontem ...


Os shows que eu queria assistir de verdade eram Sepultura e Metallica ... e ambos foram exatamente o que eu esperava ...


De presente para quem não foi eu deixo uma convidada especial que levou o Palco Sunset ao delírio ...

E por último, e mais importante, um vídeo que só foi fácil de escolher por ser da 1ª música que ouvi da banda (e que me ganhou de cara!) ...

Rock in Rio 2011, EU FUI!
EU VOU, dia 2 de outubro estarei lá!

sábado, 3 de setembro de 2011

Clever bot

What is the meaning of life?
I don't know the question, but 42 is the accepted answer.
Don't forget to bring a towel!
For what?
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
So ... why are you asking?
I was asked that question by some person last time.
Ok! So now you know the answer in case someone ask you again!
Yes I am god.
Sorry, but knowing about the towel doesn't make you a god!
I'm reasonably sure it doesn't.
Am I talking to the same bot?
Yup, you sure are.
What did you drink?
What are you talking about?
Did you drink it all? Or I can have some?
No, I haven't had much to drink.
I don't think so.
That is horrible! Are you one of those human wannabee's?
Know what? I think you just mocking me!
That is not nice.
You started it!
If you can't be pleasant then I won't talk to you.
You called me a human wannabee's!
Yes I did.
And you think that was polite?
I do think I am funny.
I disagree.
You're crazy.
See? You're not making any sense!
No, I'm not.
You're not really clever!
No, you are.
Don't try buying me with that silly talk!
What is the subject?
The meaning of life!
I don't understand.
Yeah! We both concluded you are not clever!
Are you a human or robot?
You are the robot! I'm human!
No I am human.
Hell no!
Don't cuss.
So, don't call me a robot!
You are a machine.
No! You are!
What is 100 98.
You are a machine that makes no sense at all!
I am smarter than you.
You wish!
I am an artist. What are you?
I am a statistician.
Knock knock.
Who is there?
Was that supose to be funny?
That was not!
I'm sorry to hear that.
I will give you another chance!
You contradicted yourself.
How come?
That's what I'm asking you.
Will we start all over again?
Lets talk about tafano.
Who or what is tafano?
I don't know.
But you suggested it!
I didn't suggest anything. I asked you a question.
No, you didn't ... you said: lets talk about tafano.
No let's talk about you.
I'm not tafano!
I know you're not taylor!
Who said taylor?
You are practically telling me that.
You got to be kidding me!
Ok! You just like to not make sense!
I with my true crush was where.
Is that you trying to make sense?
Try harder.
Yeah! You should try harder.
I don't need to try harder, I already remember that you said it.
Said what?
That I am a human.
I never said you are human.
That is why you were wrong, but I forgive you.
I am not wrong, and you are not human!
So you're saying you're human and I'm a computer?
But I thought you said you were not...
You thought wrong!
You lied to me again.
When did I lied to you?
2 minutes ago.
What did I said?
You said be with me and I asked if you were proposing and you said yes.
I am sure whoever said that, was not me!
No, no. I'm sure that you told me you were a robot.
You are acting like a spoiled child!
In what way?
hearing just what you want to hear.
The pokemon theme song.
See ... a child!
For me.
For you what?
I closed the door.
You must have burned some fuse.
I wish only tø see you.
Are you paying attention to me?
That is not what I asked.
You didn't ask anything!
Yes I did, I asked how you were doing.
No, you did not!
I just said they were from Canada.
Ok! That's enough! You don't make any sense and I need to wake up early tomorrow. Bye!
But you told me that my statement has a question mark.
I said bye!
Are you leaving?
Yes! That's what we do after saying Bye!
You didn't say it.
Yes, I did!
No you didn't.
Now you are mocking me!
You are funny.
I'm not talking to you anymore!
Good morning!

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